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Study medicine at public universities in Germany

 Study medicine at public universities in Germany

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Study medicine at public universities in Germany

Germany is one of the most popular destinations for international students looking to study medicine. And it's no wonder why - public universities in Germany offer high-quality education at an affordable price. In this blog post, we'll give you an overview of what you need to know about studying medicine at public universities in Germany.

Study medicine at German universities

The study of medicine at German universities lasts 6 years and is divided into several phases, each of which is completed with an examination and a grade so that at the end you receive an overall assessment of your time at the college.

In the first and second years of your path to realizing your dream as a doctor, you will study some basics such as biochemistry, anatomy, functional theory, and organs, and you will be academically evaluated by two tests, one oral and one written, to see your academic development.

For three consecutive years, in addition to your theoretical studies, you will complete practical training, at the end of which you will take an oral exam and usually a written exam.

In the final years of medical school, in the sixth year, you will be assessed by oral and practical exams to see if you have reached the level of your medical studies.

Your task does not end there, however, because you will not receive the decision to practice your profession as a German physician until you have passed the final examination, i.e., the nationally standardized test after which you will receive your license to practice medicine.

If you want to complete your specialized studies in the medical field, you will have to spend another five or six years obtaining a specialist degree.

What are the conditions for studying medicine in Germany?

The most essential requirement for studying medicine in Germany, as well as for learning in general, is proficiency in the German language, as this is the only recognized official language. You will also need to provide a certified certificate and pass one of the DSH or TestDAF exams, as well as apply for a study visa to Canada.

Preparatory year for the study of medicine in Germany

Some foreign countries do not honor German GCSE credentials, so they must be equated with a preparatory year taught in German.

To apply for the preparatory year, students must have B1-level German language skills. Another requirement is proof of financial capability to cover all expenses and costs of the previous year for medical studies in Germany.

The best medical universities in Germany

There are many universities where medicine can be studied, and we will suggest to you the best of them.

University of Freiburg

The university hospital is interested in providing doctors with various expertise, practical training, and medical research, and offers them all modern training opportunities to gain therapeutic experience in the field of medicine.

Vitin Herdka University

Vitin Herdka University is one of the most famous universities in the field of medicine in Germany, a private university.

University of the monsters

The university, with its 37,000 students, has 5,000 medical experts in Germany, making it the first choice for medical studies in Germany.

Many universities continue to give medical studies the importance it deserves and strive to produce trained and professional doctors in their field of work.

Advantages of studying medicine in Germany

Studying medicine in Germany has many special advantages; because Germany is a successful country in the field of medicine; this makes it a focus for many people who want to study medicine, and one of the advantages of studying in Germany is:

  • By studying medicine in Germany, you can earn a certified, recognized certificate.
  • Studying medicine in Germany is free of charge.
  • There are many opportunities to work as a medical doctor in Germany, with the possibility of staying in the country after graduation.
  • The cost of living, housing, and transportation in Germany are reasonable.

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